Whiston Junior & Infant School

Whiston Junior & Infant School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Saville Road, Whiston, Rotherham, S60 4DX


01709 828189

Whiston J & I School's Passports to Success

Our vision for Whiston J & I School is one of high standards achieved through the creative nature of the curriculum offered. We have a learning culture of high and realistic expectations of everyone, children and adults alike. We believe that active participation in learning is crucial through engaging children in their learning. We provide opportunities for problem solving, creativity and independence in order to promote confidence and maturity. There are many aspects of the educational process that we judge to be non-negotiable, views that we hold with a passion about children’s education and one of those being building positive and respectful partnerships between home and school.  
As part of their seven year journey through Whiston J & I, from Reception to Year 6, it is important that you, the children and the teachers know where they’re going, every step of the way. We hope this passport helps to extend your child’s learning at home and that by working in partnership, all our children will be able to achieve and exceed our high expectations. This passport is intended to inform pupils and parents of the key end of year expectations in the areas where parents and carers will be able to have the greatest impact supporting their child. Now you know the destination, get ready to enjoy the journey! Reading


Pupil Passports to support learning

Everything we do at Whiston is designed to create a school where pupils will flourish: personally, socially and academically. Our curriculum goes beyond the content of the national offer to enrich learning, widen experiences and strengthen character.

The Pupil Passport to Learning is an initiative to help communicate curriculum expectations to pupils and parents. All pupils will receive a printed Passport to which they can refer as they make progress on their journey through the year. We hope parents will also read the Passports so they can support their children more effectively.

The attachments below expand on each year group’s end of year expectations (targets).

Teachers will share the passports with you at Parent Consultation evenings and discuss your child’s progress.

 Revised Reception Class Passport. Revised Sept 2021.pdfDownload
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